

Yes, those nails. You either love or hate this cutting edge trend and regardless of which team you're batting for I, personally, love them. I'm not here to persuade you to suddenly adorn your extremities with spear like nails but to simply share some tips on false nails and where I get mine from.  I got these particular ones from eBay (after my local Boots were out of stock of the Elegant Touch ones) and I'm not disappointed. They are extremely affordable and even come with free glue! I painted mine with Models Own Utopia nail polish as I wanted something quick drying. I would recommend to paint before you stick - sort out which size nail you need and then using blue tack stick them down to a piece of paper and paint them, this way they are more likely to be smudge free. For removal, I would recommend the Elegant Touch Get 'Em Off as this is just very strong nail polish remover so it does the job much quicker.

Thank you for reading,
7 comments on "STILETTO NAILS"
  1. I love the colour of your nails, they look amazing!

    Lauren| thatgirlcalledlauren.blogspot.co.uk

  2. Oh my gosh, these look so professional! Ordering the nails now!

    Hannah Rose

  3. Such a lovely shade!
    Summer / summersbeautyonabudget.blogspot.co.uk xx

  4. I have a similar colour on my nails right now :) love the stiletto shape, they look really good on you! :) x

  5. They look so lovely on you, before reading I thought that they were acrylics!! Normally hate grey but I think you've just changed my opinion :)


  6. They look so lovely, and the colour is gorgeous! will definitely have to pick some of these up!!


  7. It's so great that you can do these yourself - I get mine done professionally, and sometimes I just want a cheaper option! Thanks for this post! xo

    Emily // Lynde Avenue


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Olivia X